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Monday, February 24, 2014

CTB 2014 - Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook

I have owned a slow cooker for at least the past ten years. The majority of recipes that I've made in it? Oatmeal. I once made white hot chocolate in the slow cooker. We had a cookie exchange and I decided white hot chocolate would be super festive.  It was not popular. Anyways... I've only recently taken to using the slow cooker for other, more time saving purposes.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wilde Week #41

1. Such a busy week at work! I've been working on quite a few different projects, including securing lab space for our research team. Those lovely flowers up there? They're from our lab real estate broker.  I think she really wants us to lease a lab space through them.

2. I might be ready to wave the white flag on winter this year.  I'm usually pretty hardy when it comes to snow, I grew up in Buffalo, NY after all. Buffalo is one of the snowiest places in the states. I once brushed over a foot of snow off of my car and drove to school.  But this winter in New Jersey has been ridiculous! Last Thursday, we got 14 inches of snow, followed by two hours of hard rain, followed by three more inches of snow.  The temperatures are supposed to rise above fifty degrees this week, which means I'll be watching the streets flood as the entire state of New Jersey is a flood zone.

3. At least my Hunter boots have been getting lots and lots of use this winter. I really want a few more colors of rain boots.  I think a bright pink pair would really cheer me up on a rainy/snowy day.

4. This weekend was another big Bloomingdale's sale and I picked up these Joan & David flats for a song. They are so shiny and pretty! I want to wear them all over the place, but sadly the sidewalks are coated in a foot of snow.  Montclair is having trouble removing all the snow, because there is no where left to put it!

5. Did I tell you that the banana pudding at Magnolia Bakery is amazing? We were in the neighborhood of one of their shops on Sunday and I got myself a treat.  Not in NYC?  I made it a few weeks ago and the recipe is so so so close to the real thing!

6. Umm, so I haven't gone grocery shopping in a few weeks. We were okay for the first two weeks, I like to keep chicken in the freezer, but now we're running out of food... We have even run out of eggs and bread, so much for omelet Wednesdays! I think tonight will be a risotto and whatever is left in the fridge night!

7. All this snow that we've been getting is a bit of a pain, but at least it makes Newark Penn Station look pretty.

8. I think I might be terribly un-American. I am almost completely apathetic about the Olympics this year. Maybe it's because it's warmer in Sochi than it is in New Jersey? Maybe I'm sick of looking at snow? All I know is this... I spent the last winter Olympics on vacation in St Kitts. I want to be there again.
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